Our Mission
The RSO shapes the cultural life of our region by delivering exceptional, inclusive musical experiences that enrich, entertain and educate.
Our Vision
As an indispensable and integral part of the vibrancy of our community, over the next five years the Richmond Symphony Orchestra (RSO) will build an endowment of committed gifts that supports a minimum of one-half total annual expenditures. This will create financial sustainability and ensure the RSO continues to be an effective driver of economic development, making the region an attractive place to live and work for this and future generations.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
To support a full creative life for all, Richmond Symphony Orchestra commits to championing policies and practices of cultural equity that empower a just, inclusive, equitable community.
Our History
The Richmond Symphony Orchestra has origins going back to 1908, but it was professionalized and incorporated in 1956 by Manfred Blum. Richmond continues to be one of the smallest communities (if not the smallest) to nurture and support a professional symphony orchestra for 67 consecutive years.
The RSO has expanded to include a seven concert subscription series of five masterworks and two family concerts.

The Richmond Symphony Orchestra: Who We Are
The RSO is a professional orchestra drawing musicians from the tri-state area as well as accomplished students from the University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. The RSO annually issues 70 contracts to our musicians.
The RSO exists to shape the cultural life of our region by delivering exceptional, inclusive musical experiences that enrich, entertain and educate. The organization is an indispensable and integral part of the vibrancy of the Richmond community and an effective driver of the economy, injecting $775,000+ in economic impact annually. The Board of Directors remains committed to building an endowment that will create financial sustainability and ensure the longevity of the RSO, making the region an attractive place to live and work for future generations. At each turn, the RSO strives to support a full creative life for all and is committed to championing policies and practices of cultural equity that empower a just, inclusive, equitable community.
Subscription Concert Programming
Season programming includes a seven concert subscription series with a combination of family and masterworks concerts. In addition, the RSO traditionally hosts 3 to 4 guest artists per season.
Educational Programming
Youth programming is a priority to your RSO. Current initiatives include free admission for age 18 and under, family concerts and Kids of Note activities at the concerts. Plans are underway to return to a free school concert and instrument introduction in the schools.
Outreach Programming
Our community concert series supports 10 free events annually and has assisted RSO in
attracting new audiences. The RSO’s Signature Event has become one of the most highly
anticipated fundraisers of the year, attracting an audience of over 500.
Leadership and Administration
The RSO embraces and celebrates that Richmond is one of the smallest communities to nurture and support a professional symphony orchestra for over six decades. Our longevity is due to sound decision-making through the years. RSO finds itself in a very strong position both in terms of leadership and finances.
The Board of Directors is made up of 18 members and 7 Emeritus Board Members. The Executive Director has served the organization since 2013 and serves as an essential face, representing the RSO in the community. The Music Director oversees programming, the orchestra, and the stage. The Personnel Manager maintains strong connections in the tri-state area.