A Welcome from the Executive Director

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It is a JOY to welcome you to the 68th Season of YOUR Richmond Symphony Orchestra. You should know by the smile on my face how much I enjoy working for the RSO and alongside Andrés. Andrés is a wonderful colleague who shares my beliefs and hopes for this organization.

First and most important, Andrés and I agree that your Richmond Symphony is foremost a service organization that must be nimble and adaptable to the ever-changing needs of the people in Richmond and the region. I have seen the way

Andrés engages meaningfully and warmly with everyone he comes in contact with, asking thoughtful questions and listening with intention to gain insight. As this season came together, I watched as he used the community input to inform his programming. Second, I have watched in admiration as Andrés has brought joy to the hall and stage. I have heard the musicians comment how much they appreciate his attention to detail and the programming he chooses that highlight their talents.

Andrés chooses pieces that would traditionally be a stretch for a regional orchestra. One of our cellists commented that only unionized orchestras would take on Mahler 1. That is a demonstration of Andrés’ trust in his players. Again and again, I want to express my gratitude to the Board of Directors for their leadership over the past two years, especially current president Leslie Bolser, past president Jeff Carter, and the search team led by Jeff Jackson.

And finally, we would not be able to serve this community without our sponsors, donors and patrons. We exist because you want us to! It is with your incredible generosity that we are increasing our reach and setting a new standard for excellence in our performances.


Monica Koechlein, Executive Director

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